Tag Archives: safety tips

Accident Lawyer’s Reminders for Back to School Safety

Avoiding Back to School Legal Issues with a Bay Area Personal Injury Attorney


Whether you’re the parent of a Bay Area high school student or a young child getting ready for her first day of Kindergarten in San Jose, you’re simultaneously excited and nervous about sending your kids back to school. Below are some timely reminders to protect yourself and shield your kids from harm this year.

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Motorcycle Accident Safety: Wear The Right Helmet

Avoid The Need for a San Francisco Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

San Francisco Motorcycle Accident LawyerMotorcycles can be amazingly fun to ride, but they can also be incredibly dangerous. Wearing the right helmet is the most important thing motorcyclists can do to avoid getting seriously hurt and needing an injury attorney.

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Winter Motorcycle Safety Tips

Do You Need A Bay Area Accident Lawyer?

Winter is one of the most treacherous times to be out on the road, no matter what vehicle you drive. As any experienced Bay Area motorcycle lawyer will sadly tell you, right around now is one of the “busiest” seasons for motorcycle personal injury law. Continue reading