Got Fired After Getting Injured and/or Filing a Workers’ Comp Claim?
Is That Considered Retaliation?

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Whether you broke your leg working at a San Francisco City construction project; you hurt your back in a car accident while making a delivery, or you suffered acute chemical exposure at a company lab, you just want fair and honest treatment. Unfortunately, sometimes employers punish workers for complaining or filing workers’ compensation claims.
If your employer terminated you, demoted you or otherwise mistreated you after you filed a workers’ comp claim in California or got hurt, you may be able to take legal action, both to punish the employer and also to preserve and protect your rights.
Retaliation does not just involve firing.
If, after you suffered an injury while working on a North California work site, your boss, manager, or company intentionally failed to promote you, threatened you with unfair disciplinary action, refused to rehire you for a contract, intimidated you, put up roadblocks for your California workers’ compensation process, or punished anyone who tried to support your claim during a workers’ comp investigation, you may have legal leverage at your disposal.
Do note that, your employer can discipline or even terminate you for justifiable reasons. For instance, if you disobeyed company policies, came in late every day, or behaved in an incredibly reckless or careless fashion, you could have a hard time bringing a retaliation claim.
Nevertheless, many unfairly treated employees never take effective action because they’re intimidated, sick, or just unaware of their potential legal rights.
The team here at the Law Offices of Daniel Vega would be happy to explain what you might be able to do to protect yourself and your rights. Get in touch with us today for a free and private (confidential) consultation regarding your potential retaliation case. Schedule an appointment now or call 1-866-471-6847