Step-by-Step Guide: What to Do When You’re in An Auto Accident

Personal Injury Lawyer’s Tips for Regaining Control After an Accident


Nothing is quite as scary as being involved in an auto accident. The shock, the noise and the pain can create enduring trauma and challenge your mental health. However, take it from an auto accident lawyer, the actions you take in the moments and days immediately following the incident can affect your future dramatically. For this reason, it is important to put aside your fear after an accident occurs and follow these steps:

  1. Check for injuries.
    Before calling the police, reaching out to an car accident lawyer, or taking any other steps, assess the physical condition of everyone involved. If anyone is hurt or if a vehicle is damaged significantly, call 911. If you experience neck or back pain do not attempt to move unless it is dangerous to remain in your vehicle.
  2. Collect information. 
    Collect any information that may be valuable to a personal injury lawyer or your insurance company, including names, addresses, phone numbers and license plate numbers. It is also wise to take photographs of the scene of the accident for future reference.
  3. Keep track of expenses.
    Keep records of any expenses you incur as a result of the accident, including medical expenses, car repairs and lost wages. These expenses will be useful as you pursue compensation and analyze future settlement offers or insurance claims.
  4. Contact a respected Bay Area personal injury lawyer.
    If another party might have been responsible for your accident consider contacting a personal injury attorney to help you recover damages, shield yourself from liability and get solid answers to the diverse questions you have about your situation.

Vega Bay Area Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help Ensure Just Compensation

Please consider calling the experienced team at Vega Law to set up a free and confidential consultation about your case. Contact us by phone at (866) 471-6847 or contact us from our website.